> Thanks for your quick response, Anthony. If I got it correctly, it would 
> be working as expected if I changed the test_id type from integer to id. I 
> gave it a try, but it only raised some errors (missing required field)

Changing "test_id" to type "id" should work, but you might need to start 
with a fresh table, as an "id" type field is an auto-incrementing integer 

> and more importantly, it did not allow me to insert this field manually. 
> Is there some other approach to reference other value than id?

You wouldn't set the value of an id field manually. Why do you need a 
separate test_id field -- if it is unique per record, the automatically 
generated id field should work? In any case, why do you need 
test_counts.test_id to be the tests.test_id field rather than the tests.id 
field? In the latter case, you can still access the tests.test_id field 
(via a join or second query), and cascading deletes will work fine as well 
(i.e., when a record in tests is deleted, referencing records in 
test_counts will also be deleted).



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