we do. We have the nightly build and we do post release candidates in 
advance. The problem is that not many people test it.

On Monday, 5 March 2012 12:31:49 UTC-6, spiffytech wrote:
> Have you considered publishing release candidates ~1 week ahead of a 
> release, to allow early-adopters to upgrade and see what's broken, 
> rather than having the rapid stream of releases? I saw you said "I'm 
> releasing 1.99.5 tomorrow, please test it today", but that's rather a 
> short and informal testing cycle. 
> On Mar 4, 5:29 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> > Same as 1.99.5 and 1.99.6 but should solve all the outstanding 
> > compatibility issues. 
> > 
> > Massimo

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