Another DAL challenge..... accepted!

assuming the model:


    Field('task_id', db.tasks),
    Field('start_time', 'datetime'),
    Field('end_time', 'datetime'),

You'd like to calculate the total duration (let's say in seconds) of every 
period, and sum that total duration by task_id. Instead of visualizing the 
task_id, you want

Instead of blowing the full solution, let's take it one step at a time, 
hopefully enjoying the logic that ties your goal, your brain, the database 
and the DAL abstraction....

for every "period", duration is calculated as:
duration = db.periods.end_time.seconds() - db.periods.start_time.seconds()

now, get a list of all "durations"...

result = db(>0).select(, duration)

But, you want the SUM of this durations, grouped by task_id.....
let's rewrite "duration" as the SUM of it

duration = (db.periods.end_time.seconds() - 

and the result, with task_id

result = db(>0).select(db.periods.task_id, durations, 

Now, slip into it instead of the id, joining the two tables.... 
the definition of duration remains the same

duration = (db.periods.end_time.seconds() - 
result = db(db.periods.task_id ==,duration,

Everything clear ??

NB: a little caveat.... with compound expressions like sum() or this kind 
of calculations, looping the results can't be done in the usual way, like:

for row in result:
     print, row.duration

this is going to raise an exception because duration is not a proper column 
of a table....

You can use the dictionary notation to solve the "problem":

for row in result:
     print, row[duration]


Il giorno lunedì 19 marzo 2012 20:00:42 UTC+1, backseat ha scritto:
> I need to run a reasonably complex query, and I'm wondering whether it
> would be better to code it in SQL, or should I try to get the DAL to
> provide the data (or maybe there's another way). There's no right or wrong
> answer, but I'd welcome opinion on the best approach.
> Simply put, consider two tables, "tasks" and "periods". As well as an id
> field, tasks has a 'name' field too. Each task has multiple periods (of
> work) associated with it, and the periods table has id, date, start_time,
> end_time (and other fields). What I want to do is produce a summary that
> lists:
> task_name   total_time
> ...for each task. That is, for each period, find the duration by
> subtracting the start_time from the end_time, and total all durations for
> each task in turn.
> I can write this in SQL, but then I lose the advantages of the DAL, as
> well as potentially losing database portability. I'm not even sure if this
> is doable in the DAL.
> What would be the best approach?
> -- 
> "You can have everything in life you want if you help enough other people
> get what they want" - Zig Ziglar. 
> Who did you help today?

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