On Mar 20, 2012, at 8:18 AM, Ruben Orduz wrote:
> Jonathan, thx for your answers. Now, as a pre-emtive follow up if I
> have a routes.py in my app root directory:
> 1) should I rename/comment out the base routes.py?

No, but all it needs is routes_app.

> 2) should I commend routes_app in the app-specific routes.py?

Yes, but I think it's ignored.

If you're using app-specific routes at all, you need to supply a routes.py for 
any app that needs routing. That is, with app-specific routing there's no 
fallback to the base routes_in. I'm leaning to the view that this is a bug, but 
maybe not.

> Thx.
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 20, 2012, at 8:09 AM, Ruben Orduz wrote:
>>> I'm definitely confused with this routing scheme.
>>> There's the base routes.py (which is usually ignored due to file
>>> name). Inside this file there are 3 examples (routes_app, routes_in
>>> and routes_out). So, assuming you change the name of the file
>>> routes.py and restart your server, it will use routes_app (and will it
>>> ignore routes_in and _out?). If I comment out routes_app in that file,
>>> I should be picking up my patterns_in and patterns_out, but how would
>>> it then know the top level (app) routing?
>> It only needs to know for app-specific routing.
>>> Also, I've seen docs refer
>>> to app-specific routing, what does that mean? A routes.py inside the
>>> app root folder?
>> Yes.
>>> Thanks in advance for your answers.

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