On Mar 28, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Anthony wrote:
> If you want to build a single-page app, you might also consider options like 
> AngularJS (supported by Google) and batman.js (by Shopify). They move 
> templating to the client, so your server just delivers the initial "page" 
> (i.e., the whole app, including JS templates) and then takes Ajax requests 
> and returns JSON rather than HTML.

This relates to another all-json API, namely a JSON (possibly but not 
necessarily JSON-RPC) web service. I use that to serve several iOS apps, and it 
works nicely. There's one problem, though: errors.

If an error occurs before the web2py JSON function is called (typically a 500 
error, such as a Python syntax error in the controller), web2py returns an HTML 
response, and that's awkward for a JSON client to try to handle. 

One thing that slightly complicates matters is that to fix this, web2py would 
need to know that a JSON or JSON-RPC (or for that matter XML-RPC or various 
other formats) request has been made. For most/all 500 errors, we haven't 
gotten to the @service decorator, so we ought to be looking at the requested 
extension or the Accept: header. application/json is what should be there; 
there's no distinction made for JSON-RPC, which is slightly awkward, but 
suggests that we should just return a JSON-RPC error object, perhaps based on 
the content of the request if it parses as JSON.

One thing that's stopped me from proposing a patch is that this really ought to 
be generalized for other non-html services, and perhaps be user-extensible 
(though not necessarily through an application, since we might not have access 
to the application at error time; maybe something in routes.py?). But the 
perfect need not be the enemy of the good-enough, I suppose.

Any interest in working out a definition for this?

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