> When you said '*an argument* of the verify_email_onaccept callback', you 
> meant an argument of the callback function supplied to
> auth.settings.verify_email_onaccept
> , right? My understanding is that you provide a callback function to 
> Web2py, which is going to be called upon the acceptance of verify_email 
> action.
> More importantly, how did you figure out which type of argument (form vs. 
> user here) the callback function would take? This sort of stuff is not 
> covered anywhere in the manual, yet it is important to know! Thanks a lot.

Yes, the callback takes a single argument, and when web2py calls the 
callback, it passes the user record as that argument. You're right, it 
appears this is not documented (should be) -- I figured it out by looking 
at the code: 
http://code.google.com/p/web2py/source/browse/gluon/tools.py#2111. When you 
think about it, though, it can't be a form, as there is no form involved in 
the email verification process.


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