> {{=LOAD('calendar','eventList.load',args=int(organization.nodeID),ajax=True,target='eventlist')}}
> The eventList view lists all the events and each event has a view details 
> button.
> <a class="btn" href="{{=URL('event',args=row.id)}}" data-toggle="modal" 
> data-target="#myModal">View Details</a>

Have you confirmed that the Ajax request is getting sent and a response 
returned? If so, what is the response (check using the browser developer 
tools)? Is the above "View Details" link inside the LOAD component? If so, 
I think the .load extension of the component may be getting propagated to 
the "View Details" URLs -- if you don't specify an extension in URL(), it 
will use the extension of the current request (which would be .load in this 
case). So, it may be looking for an event.load view and returning an error 
if it doesn't find one (unless you have enabled generic views, in which 
case it would try the generic.load view). Maybe try URL('event.html', 
args=row.id), or change event.html to event.load.


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