Hard to say. There are a number of moving parts in your design.

One thing: does it behave differently if you change ajax=False in the 

On Friday, May 25, 2012 11:14:50 AM UTC-7, Annet wrote:
> In a controller I have the following functions:
> def eventList():
>     response.view='calendar/eventList.html'
>     rows=db(..).select(...)
>     if not rows:
>         response.flash=response.flash_noresult
>     return dict(rows=rows,alert=alert)
> def event():
>     response.view='calendar/event.html'
>     row=db(db.EventList.id
> ==request.args(0)).select(db.EventList.ALL).first()
>     return dict(row=row)
> In the index.html view I have the following menu:
> <ul class="nav">
>   <li class="active"><a data-toggle="pill" 
> onclick={{="web2py_component('%s','component-pane')"
>   %URL('addressbook','contact.load',args=session.id)}}>Home</a></li>
>   <li><a data-toggle="pill" 
> onclick={{="web2py_component('%s','component-pane')"
>   %URL('calendar','openingHours.load',args=session.id
> )}}>Openingtijden</a></li>
>   <li><a data-toggle="pill" 
> onclick={{="web2py_component('%s','component-pane')"
>   %URL('calendar','eventList.load',args=session.id)}}>Event list</a></li>
>  </ul>
> and component-pane:
> <div class="row-fluid">
>   <div class="span12">
>     <div class="component-pane">
>       {{=LOAD('addressbook','contact.load',args=session.id
> ,ajax=True,target='component-pane')}}
>     </div> <!-- /component-pane -->
>   </div><!-- /span -->
> </div><!-- /row -->
> In the eventList.html view I have the following code:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>   $("a[data-toggle=modal]").click(function (e) {
>   target = $(this).attr('data-target')
>   url = $(this).attr('href')
>   $(target).load(url);
>   })
> </script>
> {{if rows:}}
>   <table>
>     <tbody>
>       {{for row in rows:}}
>         ..
>       {{pass}}
>       </tbody>
>     </table>
>    </div> <!-- /results -->
> {{pass}}
> <div class="modal hide fade" id="myModal">
> </div> <!-- /modal -->
> In this case the modal window open without problem and displays the event 
> details.
> However, when I replace the menu with:
> <ul class="nav">
>   <li class="active"><a href="{{=URL('addressbook','contact',args=row.id
> )">Home</a></li>
>   <li><a href="{{=URL('calendar','openingHours',args=row.id
> )">Openingtijden</a></li>
>   <li><a href="{{=URL('calendar','eventList',args=row.id)">Event 
> list</a></li>
>  </ul>
> And keep the views the same, the modal window pops up but remains empty. 
> When I add a static text to;
> <div class="modal hide fade" id="myModal">
>   <p>This is a static text.</p>
> </div> <!-- /modal -->
> The modal window pops up and displays the static text.
> What is the difference between these approaches and how do I get the event 
> details displayed in the modal window?
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

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