I have been a little further and I can partly trigger the callback with
this :

response.js += """$('#test_ph_eregistry_id').keyup();"""

But the autocomplete selecting panel stays there for ever... So I try to
trigger a "tab" key stroke event that make it disapear in a real case
scenario (I mean when I do it).

 response.js += """$('#test_ph_eregistry_id').keyup(); var e =
jQuery.Event("keydown"); e.which = 9; $("#test_ph_eregistry_id").trigger(e);

But I think that I have error...


On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Richard Vézina <
ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No, callback issue...
> How can I trigger call back when I set my new foreing entry in
> autocomplete widget box??
> Richard
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Richard Vézina <
> ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, I was wrong, is because I need to strip withe space coming from the
>> field type...
>> Richard
>> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Richard Vézina <
>> ml.richard.vez...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I made a lot of progress, by changing my approach, instead of trying to
>>> use Autocomplete form SELECT_OR_ADD_OPTION, I bring SELECT_OR_ADD_OPTION
>>> into Autocomplete to create a new AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption
>>> widget...
>>> What I get so far :
>>> class AutocompleteWidgetSelectOrAddOption(object):
>>>     _class = 'string'
>>>     def __init__(self, request, field, id_field=None, db=None,
>>>                  orderby=None, limitby=(0,10),
>>>                  keyword='_autocomplete_%(fieldname)s',
>>>                  min_length=2,
>>>                  # SelectOrAddOption
>>>                   controller=None, function=None, form_title=None,
>>>                  button_text = None, dialog_width=1000):
>>>         self.request = request
>>>         self.keyword = keyword % dict(fieldname=field.name)
>>>         self.db = db or field._db
>>>         self.orderby = orderby
>>>         self.limitby = limitby
>>>         self.min_length = min_length
>>>         self.fields=[field]
>>>         if id_field:
>>>             self.is_reference = True
>>>             self.fields.append(id_field)
>>>         else:
>>>             self.is_reference = False
>>>         if hasattr(request,'application'):
>>>             self.url = URL(args=request.args)
>>>             self.callback()
>>>         else:
>>>             self.url = request
>>>         # SelectOrAddOption
>>>         if form_title == None:
>>>             self.form_title = T('Add New')
>>>         else:
>>>             self.form_title = T(form_title)
>>>         if button_text == None:
>>>             self.button_text = T('Add')
>>>         else:
>>>             self.button_text = T(button_text)
>>>         self.dialog_width = dialog_width
>>>         self.controller = controller
>>>         self.function = function
>>>     def callback(self):
>>>         if self.keyword in self.request.vars:
>>>             field = self.fields[0]
>>>             rows =
>>> self.db(field.like(self.request.vars[self.keyword]+'%'))\
>>> .select(orderby=self.orderby,limitby=self.limitby,*self.fields)
>>>             if rows:
>>>                 if self.is_reference:
>>>                     id_field = self.fields[1]
>>>                     raise
>>> HTTP(200,SELECT(_id=self.keyword,_class='autocomplete',
>>> _size=len(rows),_multiple=(len(rows)==1),
>>>                                           *[OPTION(s[field.name
>>> ],_value=s[id_field.name],
>>>                                                    _selected=(k==0)) \
>>>                                                 for k,s in
>>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>>                 else:
>>>                     raise
>>> HTTP(200,SELECT(_id=self.keyword,_class='autocomplete',
>>> _size=len(rows),_multiple=(len(rows)==1),
>>>                                           *[OPTION(s[field.name],
>>>                                                    _selected=(k==0)) \
>>>                                                 for k,s in
>>> enumerate(rows)]).xml())
>>>             else:
>>>                 raise HTTP(200,'')
>>>     def __call__(self,field,value,**attributes):
>>>         #
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         # SelectOrAddOption
>>>         my_select_id = 'test_ph_eregistry_id'
>>> #select_widget.attributes.get('_id', None)
>>>         add_args = [my_select_id]
>>>         #create a div that will load the specified controller via ajax
>>>         form_loader_div = DIV(LOAD(c=self.controller, f=self.function,
>>> args=add_args,ajax=True), _id=my_select_id+"_dialog-form",
>>> _title=self.form_title)
>>>         #generate the "add" button that will appear next the options
>>> widget and open our dialog
>>>         activator_button = A(T(self.button_text),
>>> _id=my_select_id+"_option_add_trigger")
>>>         #create javascript for creating and opening the dialog
>>>         js = '$( "#%s_dialog-form" ).dialog({autoOpen: false, show:
>>> "fade", hide: "fade", width: %s});' % (my_select_id, self.dialog_width)
>>>         js += '$( "#%s_option_add_trigger" ).click(function() { $(
>>> "#%s_dialog-form" ).dialog( "open" );return false;}); ' % (my_select_id,
>>> my_select_id)
>>>         #decorate our activator button for good measure
>>>         js += '$(function() { $( "#%s_option_add_trigger"
>>> ).button({text: true, icons: { primary: "ui-icon-circle-plus"} }); });' %
>>> (my_select_id)
>>>         jq_script=SCRIPT(js, _type="text/javascript")
>>>         wrapper = DIV(_id=my_select_id+"_adder_wrapper")
>>>         #wrapper.components.extend([form_loader_div, activator_button,
>>> jq_script])
>>>         #
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         default = dict(
>>>             _type = 'text',
>>>             value = (not value is None and str(value)) or '',
>>>              )
>>>         attr = StringWidget._attributes(field, default, **attributes)
>>>         div_id = self.keyword+'_div'
>>>         attr['_autocomplete']='off'
>>>         if self.is_reference:
>>>             key2 = self.keyword+'_aux'
>>>             key3 = self.keyword+'_auto'
>>>             attr['_class']='string'
>>>             name = attr['_name']
>>>             if 'requires' in attr: del attr['requires']
>>>             attr['_name'] = key2
>>>             value = attr['value']
>>>             record =
>>> self.db(self.fields[1]==value).select(self.fields[0]).first()
>>>             attr['value'] = record and record[self.fields[0].name]
>>> attr['_onblur']="jQuery('#%(div_id)s').delay(3000).fadeOut('slow');" % \
>>>                 dict(div_id=div_id,u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             attr['_onkeyup'] = "jQuery('#%(key3)s').val('');var
>>> e=event.which?event.which:event.keyCode; function
>>> %(u)s(){jQuery('#%(id)s').val(jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> :selected').text());jQuery('#%(key3)s').val(jQuery('#%(key)s').val())};
>>> if(e==39) %(u)s(); else if(e==40) {if(jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').next().length)jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').attr('selected',null).next().attr('selected','selected');
>>> %(u)s();} else if(e==38) {if(jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').prev().length)jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').attr('selected',null).prev().attr('selected','selected');
>>> %(u)s();} else if(jQuery('#%(id)s').val().length>=%(min_length)s)
>>> jQuery.get('%(url)s?%(key)s='+escape(jQuery('#%(id)s').val()),function(data){if(data=='')jQuery('#%(key3)s').val('');else{jQuery('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide();jQuery('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus();jQuery('#%(div_id)s
>>> select').css('width',jQuery('#%(id)s').css('width'));jQuery('#%(key3)s').val(jQuery('#%(key)s').val());jQuery('#%(key)s').change(%(u)s);jQuery('#%(key)s').click(%(u)s);};});
>>> else jQuery('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut('slow');" % \
>>>                 dict(url=self.url,min_length=self.min_length,
>>>                      key=self.keyword,id=attr['_id'],key2=key2,key3=key3,
>>>                      name=name,div_id=div_id,u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             if self.min_length==0:
>>>                 attr['_onfocus'] = attr['_onkeyup']
>>> wrapper.components.extend([TAG[''](INPUT(**attr),INPUT(_type='hidden',_id=key3,_value=value,
>>>  _name=name,requires=field.requires),
>>>                            DIV(_id=div_id,_style='position:absolute;')),
>>> form_loader_div, activator_button, jq_script])
>>>             return wrapper
>>>         else:
>>>             attr['_name']=field.name
>>> attr['_onblur']="jQuery('#%(div_id)s').delay(3000).fadeOut('slow');" % \
>>>                 dict(div_id=div_id,u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             attr['_onkeyup'] = "var
>>> e=event.which?event.which:event.keyCode; function
>>> %(u)s(){jQuery('#%(id)s').val(jQuery('#%(key)s').val())}; if(e==39)
>>> %(u)s(); else if(e==40) {if(jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').next().length)jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').attr('selected',null).next().attr('selected','selected');
>>> %(u)s();} else if(e==38) {if(jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').prev().length)jQuery('#%(key)s
>>> option:selected').attr('selected',null).prev().attr('selected','selected');
>>> %(u)s();} else if(jQuery('#%(id)s').val().length>=%(min_length)s)
>>> jQuery.get('%(url)s?%(key)s='+escape(jQuery('#%(id)s').val()),function(data){jQuery('#%(id)s').next('.error').hide();jQuery('#%(div_id)s').html(data).show().focus();jQuery('#%(div_id)s
>>> select').css('width',jQuery('#%(id)s').css('width'));jQuery('#%(key)s').change(%(u)s);jQuery('#%(key)s').click(%(u)s);});
>>> else jQuery('#%(div_id)s').fadeOut('slow');" % \
>>>                 dict(url=self.url,min_length=self.min_length,
>>>  key=self.keyword,id=attr['_id'],div_id=div_id,u='F'+self.keyword)
>>>             if self.min_length==0:
>>>                 attr['_onfocus'] = attr['_onkeyup']
>>> wrapper.components.extend([TAG[''](INPUT(**attr),DIV(_id=div_id,_style='position:absolute;')),
>>> form_loader_div, activator_button, jq_script])
>>>             return wrapper
>>> This also needed :
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def add_eregistry():
>>>     #this is the controller function that will appear in our dialog
>>>     crud.settings.formstyle='divs'
>>>     form = crud.create(db.ref_eregistry)
>>>     for i in range(0,len(form[0])):
>>>         if len(form[0][i][2][0]) > 0:
>>>             form[0][i][0].append(SPAN((helpicon(),
>>> SPAN(form[0][i][2][0])),_class='tooltip'))
>>>         del(form[0][i][2])
>>>     if form.accepts(request.vars):
>>>         #Successfully added new item
>>>         #do whatever else you may want
>>>         #Then let the user know it worked
>>>         response.flash = T("Added")
>>>         target= request.args[0]
>>>          #close the widget's dialog box
>>>         response.js = '$( "#%s_dialog-form" ).dialog( "close" ); '
>>> %(target)
>>>         #update the options they can select their new category in the
>>> main form
>>>         response.js += """$("#%s").append("<option
>>> value='%s'>%s</option>");""" \
>>>             % (target, form.vars.id, db(db.ref_eregistry.id==
>>> form.vars.id
>>> ).select(db.ref_eregistry.eregistry_id).first().eregistry_id)
>>>         #and select the one they just added
>>>         response.js += """$("#%s").val("%s");""" % (target, db(
>>> db.ref_eregistry.id==form.vars.id
>>> ).select(db.ref_eregistry.exp_num).first().exp_num)
>>>         #finally, return a blank form incase for some reason they wanted
>>> to add another option
>>>         return form
>>>     elif form.errors:
>>>         #silly user, just send back the form and it'll still be in our
>>> dialog box complete with error messages
>>>         return form
>>>     else:
>>>         #hasn't been submitted yet, just give them the fresh blank form
>>>         return form
>>> The only remaining problem I have is that I can't get the new created
>>> entry in the foreign table to be attach to the new record because the way I
>>> pass the foreign key to the Autocomplete box... I put the problematic lines
>>> in red in the code above...
>>> I think, I am not using the proper selector or there is something wrong
>>> with the callback, it may be not trigger the way I pass the foreign
>>> record...
>>> Richard
>>> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Johann Spies 
>>> <johann.sp...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I also interested in this but unfortunately am too much of a beginner
>>>> with jquery / javascript to be able to help you now.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Johann
>>>> --
>>>> Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
>>>> my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

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