> Databases are specially designed for keeping persistent data - so there is 
> your answer!   :)
> I suggest:
>    1. Write the data initially to a transitional Sqlite DB on disk.
>    2. Once all the data pieces have arrived,  migrate the completed data 
>    to your main DB and delete all the transitional records.
>    3. It is much safer than that which you have proposed.  Web2py can 
>    easily handle the two DBs.
>    4. If you need any housekeeping, set up a scheduled job to purge all 
>    the old, incomplete stuff once in a while.
> Regards, David

Thanks David. This approach ensures better data consistency, but I have two 

1. If we store everything in database, how should we track whether all the 
pieces of data have arrived. For example, if I am expecting 10 pieces of 
data from 10 users, do I then need to constantly poll the db to check this? 
Is there any other tracking/trigger mechanism available?

2. It seems to me that the following database operations are needed: 1. 
write to the transitional db; 2. check for data arrival; 3. once all data 
arrived, read from transitional db so we can process them; 4. write the 
results to the main db; 5. delete all data from the transitional db. Added 
together, all these db operations may be substantial, not to mention that 
this process may need to be repeated for many number of times. In this 
aspect, the cached solution seems to shine performance wise.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the above. Thanks! 

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