Open a ticket about this. Thadeus wrote that implementation and than he 
disappeared. I have been unable to contact him for more than 1 years. I 
will try change it.

On Monday, 14 May 2012 22:52:58 UTC-5, Ray (a.k.a. Iceberg) wrote:
> The point here is that the web2py out-of-box layout.html and the 
> web2py.plugin.jqmobile.w2p layout contain different set of blocks.
> Sure I can change one of that manually. But wouldn't it be better if 
> {{super}} can simply work no matter the parent block exists or not? That 
> way I can even take out a block via layout.html later, without having to 
> adjust all other controller-specific views accordingly.
> Regards,
> Ray
> On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12:39:56 AM UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
>> Can't you put an empty version of that block in your jQuery Mobile layout 
>> as well?
>> Anthony
>> On Monday, May 14, 2012 11:56:45 AM UTC-4, Ray (a.k.a. Iceberg) wrote:
>>> Guess you mean {{try:}}{{super}}{{except: pass}}
>>> Unfortunately it fails too.
>>> So a fix is a must?
>>> Regards,
>>> Ray

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