outside of the string passed to the message variable in the call to dict my 
code is exactly the same, I didn't have any luck with the version above 
this so I coded this instead. As far as the syntax error, I would be happy 
to know where it is as I can't see it. And yes the trace is pointing to a 
piece of code that doesn't show in my file.
non-keyword arg after keyword arg (default.py, line 14)
and line 14 is the last line of my code that I am showing here. 
*return dict(message="hello", session.counter)*
I haven't worked on this since earlier today, but I wanted to reply. 



On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 11:08:43 AM UTC-5, IK wrote:
> hm, I checked online book and example you mentioned, contains variable 
> name in dict function, while your example above, doesn't. Is this the 
> example you are talking about? (
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/3#Let%27s-count).
> def index():     
>     session.counter = (session.counter or 0) + 1     
>     return dict(message="Hello from MyApp", counter=session.counter)
> On 15 May 2012 17:00, Gerald Klein <jk121...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> All  suggestions that I will check out, but this is 
>> actually character for character from the web2py site. I guess that's why I 
>> am scratching my head. That and the fact that the debug references text 
>> that is not on the page. I am always leery of platforms that do a lot for 
>> you, sometimes you give up control of important aspects. It points to a 
>> line of code that is in my file and not a dynamically generated platform 
>> file. 
>> but thanks I will check these suggestions out and see what gives.
>> --jerry
>> On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:56:30 AM UTC-5, Gerald Klein wrote:
>>> I am working through the tutorial on the web2py site, checking web2py 
>>> out and I keep getting errors for things I can't see. Like 
>>> type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'> non-keyword arg after keyword arg 
>>> (default.py, line 14)
>>> That code does not exist on the page. The prior code is:
>>> *def index():* *    session.counter = (session.counter or 0) + 1* *    
>>> return dict(message="hello", session.counter)*
>>> the last line is line 14? 
>>> Does anyone have an idea of what this is?
>>> thanks 
>>> --jerry

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