> let me brief what i am doing. I am building an application accessing 
> google maps api v3. I need the function that decide if a certain point is 
> within certain bounds. my understanding is that i need to do that in the 
> view ( by passing the point and the coordinates of the bounds ). the view 
> js can access them if they in {{ }}. 

What do you mean by needing to do that "in the view"? Do you mean in the 
browser? If so, that's not the same thing as "in the view". In web2py, the 
view is a special template that can include Python code. The view is 
executed on the server, and the output of that execution is what is sent to 
the browser. The browser does not see any of the Python code (i.e., none of 
the {{...}} end up in the browser).

is there a solution without using jquery?

It's still not clear what you are doing. What are param1 and param2? Are 
they determined dynamically within the browser? If so, you'll need 
Javascript to build the URL in the browser (it doesn't have to be jQuery 
specifically, but some form of Javascript). If param1 and param2 are known 
on the server at the time the page is being constructed by web2py, then you 
can simply include them as args in the call to the URL() function.


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