> Are there any good alternatives to using pyjamas/pyjs or learning 
JavaScript from scratch? 

What problems are you having? I've been using a recent version of pyjamas 
without problem.
(Of course with the recent "hijack" of the project by some disgruntled 
people there may be other reasons to look for alternatives :) )

As I found out by trial and error, the explanation in the web2py book 
refers to pyjamas 0.5-something and the view shown there is outdated. 
Here's the summary of how I got it to work:

* Put the YourAppName.py in the static folder of your web2py application
* After compiling the YourAppName.py file to YourAppName.js, in the output 
folder, you will find a YourAppName.html file, which contains 
the boilerplate code required in your web2py view (this is a one-time copy 
paste operation from generated code to your web2py view). 
The boilerplate code no longer exactly matches the code as shown in the 
web2py book. 

One thing that took me a while to figure out was the importance of 
including the exact

<meta name="pygwt:module" content="YourAppName">

tag, with the correct values for the name and content attribute as found in 
the output/YourAppName.html file.
Without this tag, the pyjamas application would refuse to start.

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