On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 12:01 AM, pbreit <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hard to say how URL rewriting would affect all this. Maybe I don't
> understand what you are doing or trying to do.

Isn't a matter of effecting this, it is a matter of presenting one
application under several names, which, I thought, URL rewriting could

> The SQLite DB for each app is usually in the app's "databases" directory.
> Have you done something to make each app use the same SQLite DB?

No, I have not. There is really one one SQLite DB; it is accessible
via two different paths, because of the symboic link.

> If you do something like this:
> $ ln -s applications/projectX2012 applications/projectX
> Then http://myserver.com/projectX and http://myserver.com/projectX2012 will
> be running the same app. Web2py thinks the symlink is just another app.

Right, that is what I was asking about, Web2py thinks it is two apps,
but those two apps are sharing the same database because of the
symbolic link.


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