> What I am hearing is that even the 'reload routes' button is not safe 
> to use on a busy server.

Yes, but it's a fairly general problem, not specific to the web2py rewrite 
system. Let's say someone loads a page from your projectX2011 app and 
leaves the page open for a while. While they have the page open, you 
redirect all /projectX links from projectX2011 to projectX2012. If the user 
then clicks one of the links on the page (or if the page makes an Ajax 
request), the new request will go to projectX2012, even though the original 
page was from projectX2011. This is a problem whether you use symbolic 
links, web2py rewrite, Apache mod_rewrite, or any other method. The issue 
could probably be addressed, but it would get tricky (maybe track IP 
addresses and route requests to the old app if from an IP address that has 
made a request within some earlier window of time).

> I've created an issue 
> http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=847 with some 
> potential/suggested minor content changes. 
> I doubt they match the voice of the rest of the document, but 
> hopefully some concrete suggested wording is better than none.

Note, routes.py is not a module that gets imported (the file gets read and 
executed), so track changes shouldn't have any effect on it. Also, I 
wouldn't quite say that reloading routes while web2py is running isn't 
supported (in fact, the problem noted above holds even if you stop the 
webserver briefly, so by that logic, reloading routes would never be 


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