To respond to your last two points:

You're right that models only runs on every request... I figured if my 
website isn't getting any usage then the tasks don't matter anyway. :P
Yes, I think there are design issues here, but I haven't found a better 
solution. I'm very interested in hearing better overall solutions! The 
obvious alternative is to write a standalone script that loops forever, and 
launch it separately using something like "python -S 
app/controller -M -N -R -A foo". But this requires 
solving the following problems that are *already solved* by the scheduler:
  • During development, restarting & reloading models as I change code
  • Killing these background processes when I quit the server
  • Ensuring that no more than one background process runs at a time

On Wednesday, June 13, 2012 7:16:56 AM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
> Maybe I didn't get exactly what you need , but ...... you have 3 tasks, 
> that needs to be unique.
> Also, you want to be sure that if a task crashes doesn't remain "hanged".
> This should never happen with the scheduler .... the worst situation is 
> that if a worker crashes (here "crashes" is it disconnects from the 
> database) leaves the task status as running, but as soon as another 
> scheduler checks if that one sends heartbeats, he removes the dead worker 
> and requeue that task.
> If your task goes into timeout and it's a repeating task the best practice 
> should be to raise the timeout.
> Assured this, you need to initialize the database if someone truncates the 
> scheduler_task table, inserting the 3 records in one transaction.
> If you need to be sure, why all the hassle when you can "prepare" the 
> task_name column as a unique value and then do 
> db.update_or_insert(task_name==myuniquetaskname, **task_record) ?
> PS: code in models get executed every request. What if you have no users 
> accessing the site and in the need to call initialize_task_queue ? Isn't it 
> better to insert the values and then start the workers ?
> BTW: a task that needs to be running "forever" but can't be "launched" in 
> two instances seems to suffer some design issues but hey, everyone needs to 
> be able to do what he wants ;-)

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