Wouldn't lock-free mechanisms be more useful?

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Andrew <awillima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Michael, I intend to use the scheduler for infinite looping background tasks. 
>  From what I have read in this thread, I see the issue is that you are most 
> concerned about race conditions.
> I am yet to do this with web2py scheduler,  but why not have something in 
> cron at reboot to insert and perhaps a regular task to check, if you like.  
> We implement mutex functions for this and they can be as fancy as you like.   
>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_exclusion
> Either enforce uniqueness at the database, or have something in your mutex 
> function that will only allow one process at a time to attempt an insert.  A 
> lock token file perhaps.
> Web2py should enforce uniqueness, but you can also implement you own mutex 
> function.
> As for the bugs, these aren't design flaws, they just need to get fixed.
> I have not given up on the scheduler.
> --


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