
thanks a lot for that. But I think I made a mistake in asking the question.
What i want to know more than just this is how to set up a mail server...
or how to set up the mail 'mailer' object... and how should i configure it.

Is that something I can learn from these forums...

But thanks anyway :)


On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Anthony <> wrote:

> Assuming you have defined the "mail" mailer object as in the "welcome" app
>, something like this:
> if form.process().accepted:
>     message = ''.join(['%s: %s<br />' % (f, XML(form.vars[f], sanitize=
> True))
>         for f in db.suggestions.fields])
>     mail.send(to='',,
>         subject='Suggestion',
>         message='<html>%s</html>' % message)
> Anthony
> On Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:04:54 AM UTC-4, Omar Ali wrote:
>> I'm making a one-page web-app which has one table.. that accepts
>> suggestions (like a feeback thingie)..
>> I'm using SQLFORM to render the form and accept and it's adding
>> everything in the database as expected. But I would like to do an
>> additional step upon submission of form.
>> I want to send an email with the form's contents to an admin's email id
>> with a reply to of the person who sent in the suggestion. How can i
>> configure this on a windows server..
>> Here's the code so far:
>> db = DAL('sqlite://storage.db')
>> db.define_table('suggestions',
>>         Field('type', requires=IS_IN_SET(['شكوى', 'مقترح'])),
>>         Field('created_on', 'datetime',,
>>         Field('Name', 'string', notnull=True),
>>         Field('Gender', requires=IS_IN_SET(['انثى', 'ذكر'])),
>>         Field('Description', 'text'),
>>         Field('email', requires=IS_EMAIL(error_**message='Invalid Email
>> !')),
>>         Field('usercat', requires=IS_IN_SET(['فرد', 'مكتب عقاري'])),
>>         Field('education', requires=IS_IN_SET(['ابتدائي', 'ثانوي',
>> 'دبلوم', 'جامعي', 'دراسات عليا'])),
>>         Field('homenumber', 'integer'),
>>         Field('mobilenumber', 'integer'),
>>         Field('age', 'integer'),
>>         Field('pobox', 'integer'),
>>         Field('nationality', 'string'),)
>> def viewall():
>>     recs = db().select(db.suggestions.**ALL, orderby=db.suggestions.**
>> created_on)
>>     return dict(recs=recs)
>> def index():
>>    form = SQLFORM(db.suggestions,labels=**{'type':'نوع','created_on':'**
>> التاريخ','Name':'الأسم','**Gender':'الجنس','Description':**
>> 'موضوع','email':'E-Mail','**usercat':'نوع المتعامل','education':'المؤهل
>> العلمي','homenumber':'هاتف منزل','mobilenumber':'هاتف
>> متحرك','age':'العمر','pobox':'**صندوق بريد','nationality':'الجنسية'}**
>> ,submit_button='إرسل')
>>    if form.process().accepted:
>>        response.flash = 'تم ألإرسال'
>>    elif form.errors:
>>        response.flash = 'يرجى ملء كافة الحقول'
>>    else:
>>        pass
>>    return dict(form=form)
>> default/index.html:
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> <img width="900" src="{{=URL('Suggestions', 'static', 'topbanner.png')}}"
>> /><h3 align="center">إقترحات و شكاوة</h3>
>> <hr>
>> {{=form}}
>>  --


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