(I am not sure what the term is for the web2py "dispatch queue")

Every 10 seconds my webpage is performing a JSNORPC request. Inspecting the 
network with ngrep shows exactly that: one request every 10 seconds.

This is the service being requested (in 

def get_cdr_page(pars_json):
    get_module_log().info("pars_json='%s' now=%s" % (pars_json, 
    return []

But my logfile is showing a very strange situtation:

2012-06-24 19:34:19,464 - Thread-3             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:19.352900
2012-06-24 19:34:29,361 - Thread-4             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:29.354196
2012-06-24 19:34:29,361 - Thread-4             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:29.354196
2012-06-24 19:34:39,362 - Thread-5             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:39.355891
2012-06-24 19:34:39,362 - Thread-5             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:39.355891
2012-06-24 19:34:39,362 - Thread-5             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:39.355891
2012-06-24 19:34:49,364 - Thread-6             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:49.357771
2012-06-24 19:34:49,364 - Thread-6             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:49.357771
2012-06-24 19:34:49,364 - Thread-6             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:49.357771
2012-06-24 19:34:49,364 - Thread-6             - __restricted__       - 
INFO       - pars_json='{"page":0}' now=2012-06-24 19:34:49.357771

As I understand this log, web2py is creating a different thread each time 
that a request is received. This is as expected.
What I do not understand, is that it seems that the code in my JSONRPC 
function seems to be executed multiple times for each request.
Specifically, the first request executes the code once, the second request 
(10 seconds later) exectues the code twice, the thirds request (again 10 
seconds later) executes the code three times, and so on.

I am completely puzzled. What does this mean?



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