
Currently I have a pyjamas application doing some JSONRPC requests to 
web2py, in order to update a quite complex HTML table (6 columns, 20 rows, 
the markup in the cells is quiet complex, with images and nested td/tr 
elements). The pyjamas application is embedded into my web2py pages inside 
an iframe. The communication pyjamas <-> web2py is working fine.

Now I realize that in order to interact with the table, which is managed by 
pyjamas, for example to select a certain row, I need to define a complex 
JSONRPCs interface (select row, un-select, paginate to next page, previous 
page, last page, page number, ...), passing back and forth parameters and 
results between web2py and pyjamas. This looks quite complex.

I think everything would be much easier if I could control all this 
interface directly from within web2py, ditching the pyjamas part. I have 
two important requirements:

   1. I do not want to reload pages: everything needs to work smoothly as a 
   desktop app. (of course, not all interactions with web2py, just the ones 
   related to this one real-time component). I guess the right tool for this 
   job would be the ajax function in web2py.ps. Is this tool able to handle 
   complex data?
   2. the ajax events must not only be generated by the user, but also 
   autonomously by the web browser. In pyjamas I am doing this with a Timer, 
   which translates to some timer javascript events. Is this possible in 
   web2py? Is there an example of a javascript timer triggering ajax requests 
   in web2py?



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