I don't know if continuing to give you fixes and alternative 
implementations is to be considered as harassment at this point, stop me if 
you're not interested into those.

There is a very biiig problem in your statements: if your vision is 

Woohoo, this scheduler will *automatically handle locks*—so I don't need to 
worry about stray background processes running in parallel automatically, 
and it will *automatically start/stop the processes* with the web2py server 
with -K, which makes it much easier to deploy the code!

then the scheduler is the right tool for you. it's your app that doesn't 
handle locks, because of your initialization code put into models.

At least 2 of your problems (initialization and 40,000 scheduler_run 
records) could be fixed by a "recurring maintenance" task that will do 
check_daemon() without advisory locks and prune the scheduler_run table.


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