db.executesql(db(db.voting_center)._select()) takes only a few seconds

It has one virtual field, but it is lazy. I think it is not necessary, but
I'm pasting the code below, is case you want to take a look.

class VotingCenterVirtualField(object):
  def delete_results(self):
    def lazy(self=self):
      r1 = r2 = r3 = True

      if self.voting_center.definitive:
        r = db.result(self.voting_center.definitive)
        r1 = r.delete_results() and r.delete_record()
      if self.voting_center.provisional:
        r = db.result(self.voting_center.provisional)
        r2 = r.delete_results() and r.delete_record()

      for ps in self.voting_center.polling_station.select():
        r3 = r3 and db.polling_station(ps.id).delete_results()

      return r1 and r2 and r3
    return lazy


On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After executing the query, the DAL processes the returned results in order
> to create a Rows object. That process takes longer the more fields and the
> more rows there are, but 40 minutes still sounds excessive for 66K rows.
> How long does it take if you do
> db.executesql(db(db.voting_center)._select()), which will run the SQL
> generated by the DAL but will not parse the results into a Rows object?
> What does your db.voting_center table definition look like? Any virtual
> fields (in particular, that do additional queries)?
> Anthony
> On Thursday, July 5, 2012 5:08:01 PM UTC-4, Santiago wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Do you know why the same query, takes more than 40 minutes to get
>> resolved using DAL and less than a second using raw SQL ?
>> This is the code using DAL
>> db(db.voting_center).select()
>> This is the code using raw SQL
>> db.executesql('SELECT  voting_center.id, voting_center.election,
>> voting_center.full_id_indra, voting_center.latitude,
>> voting_center.longitude, voting_center.geometry, voting_center.circuit,
>> voting_center.name, voting_center.identification, voting_center.cue,
>> voting_center.annex, voting_center.source, voting_center.external_id,
>> voting_center.locality, voting_center.address, voting_center.provisional,
>> voting_center.definitive FROM voting_center WHERE (voting_center.id >
>> 0);')
>> electoral-dev=# select count(1) from voting_center;
>>  count
>> -------
>>  66442
>> (1 row)
>>      Column     |          Type          |
>> Modifiers                          | Storage  | Description
>> ----------------+-------------**-----------+------------------**
>> ------------------------------**------------+----------+------**-------
>>  id             | integer                | not null default
>> nextval('voting_center_id_seq'**::regclass) | plain    |
>>  election       | integer                | not null
>>                             | plain    |
>>  latitude       | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  longitude      | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  circuit        | integer                |
>>                              | plain    |
>>  identification | character varying(512) | not null
>>                             | extended |
>>  cue            | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  annex          | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  source         | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  external_id    | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  locality       | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  address        | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  provisional    | integer                |
>>                              | plain    |
>>  definitive     | integer                |
>>                              | plain    |
>>  geometry       | geometry               |
>>                              | main     |
>>  name           | character varying(512) | not null
>>                             | extended |
>>  full_id_indra  | character varying(12)  |
>>                              | extended |
>> Thanks in advance
>> Santiago
> On Thursday, July 5, 2012 5:08:01 PM UTC-4, Santiago wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Do you know why the same query, takes more than 40 minutes to get
>> resolved using DAL and less than a second using raw SQL ?
>> This is the code using DAL
>> db(db.voting_center).select()
>> This is the code using raw SQL
>> db.executesql('SELECT  voting_center.id, voting_center.election,
>> voting_center.full_id_indra, voting_center.latitude,
>> voting_center.longitude, voting_center.geometry, voting_center.circuit,
>> voting_center.name, voting_center.identification, voting_center.cue,
>> voting_center.annex, voting_center.source, voting_center.external_id,
>> voting_center.locality, voting_center.address, voting_center.provisional,
>> voting_center.definitive FROM voting_center WHERE (voting_center.id >
>> 0);')
>> electoral-dev=# select count(1) from voting_center;
>>  count
>> -------
>>  66442
>> (1 row)
>>      Column     |          Type          |
>> Modifiers                          | Storage  | Description
>> ----------------+-------------**-----------+------------------**
>> ------------------------------**------------+----------+------**-------
>>  id             | integer                | not null default
>> nextval('voting_center_id_seq'**::regclass) | plain    |
>>  election       | integer                | not null
>>                             | plain    |
>>  latitude       | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  longitude      | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  circuit        | integer                |
>>                              | plain    |
>>  identification | character varying(512) | not null
>>                             | extended |
>>  cue            | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  annex          | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  source         | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  external_id    | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  locality       | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  address        | character varying(512) |
>>                              | extended |
>>  provisional    | integer                |
>>                              | plain    |
>>  definitive     | integer                |
>>                              | plain    |
>>  geometry       | geometry               |
>>                              | main     |
>>  name           | character varying(512) | not null
>>                             | extended |
>>  full_id_indra  | character varying(12)  |
>>                              | extended |
>> Thanks in advance
>> Santiago

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