
I am encountering the exact same problem as mentioned by Lucas in one the 
earlier threads :

msql db_name -U user_name -h localhost 
import psycopg2
python web2py.py -S app_name
DAL(...) works too

But, still I get error 

> RuntimeError: Failure to connect, tried 5 times:

Also, it might help that I was working on mysql and have now shifted to 
postresql. Please tell me how can I debug it or if any other information is 
needed as well.

On Tuesday, 27 September 2011 13:06:04 UTC+5:30, lucas wrote:
> hello Mariano, 
> i have made progress.  i was editting the wrong pg_hba.conf and 
> postgresql.conf files.  the proper location under centos6.0 was under / 
> var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data.  once i editted those conf files there, 
> everything started working better, but not completely.  let me 
> summarize: 
> #testing python and psycopg2 under lucas login worked well: 
> > python 
> >>>import psycopg2 
> >>>psycopg2.connect(database="prac2", user="lucas", 
> password="passwdnotposted", host="localhost") 
> <connection object at 0x1780650; dsn: 'dbname=prac2 host=localhost 
> user=lucas password=xxxxxxxxx', closed: 0> 
> #which looks like it worked 
> #testing psql under lucas loging with authentication worked well: 
> > psql prac2 -h localhost 
> Password: 
> psql (9.1.1) 
> Type "help" for help. 
> prac2=# 
> #and if a wrong password is entered, psql gives a fatal error and 
> exits back to bash. 
> #testing web2py under root (under lucas did not work) login worked 
> well also: 
> > python2.6 web2py.py -S welcome -N -a 'nonane939' 
> web2py Web Framework 
> Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2011 
> Version 1.98.2 (2011-08-04 00:47:09) 
> Database drivers available: SQLite3, pymysql, PostgreSQL 
> WARNING:web2py:import IPython error; use default python shell 
> Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Jun 25 2011, 08:36:25) 
> [GCC 4.4.4 20100726 (Red Hat 4.4.4-13)] on linux2 
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. 
> (InteractiveConsole) 
> >>>import psycopg2 
> >>>DAL('postgres://lucas:passwdnotposted@localhost/prac2') 
> <DAL {'_migrate_enabled': True, '_lastsql': 'SET 
> standard_conforming_strings=on;', '_db_codec': 'UTF-8', '_timings': 
> [('BEGIN;', 0.00039315223693847656), ("SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 
> 'UNICODE';", 0.00017309188842773438), ('SET 
> standard_conforming_strings=on;', 0.00014185905456542969)], 
> '_fake_migrate': False, '_dbname': 'postgres', '_request_tenant': 
> 'request_tenant', '_adapter': <gluon.dal.PostgreSQLAdapter object at 
> 0x15aac50>, '_pending_references': {}, '_fake_migrate_all': False, 
> 'check_reserved': None, '_uri': 'postgres://lucas:nonane939@localhost/ 
> prac2', 'tables': [], '_migrate': True, '_pool_size': 0, 
> '_common_fields': [], '_uri_hash': '623031fe80a4c6f15d3e4616f2919fb6'} 
> > 
> #which as you can see the db instance was created fine. 
> however, when i try the last step, in my mind, which is use this in 
> the db.py model file: 
> db = DAL('postgres://lucas:passwdnotposted@localhost/prac2') 
> i still get the Permission denied problem when i try to access the 
> "database administration" button on the sites main edit page.  does 
> this make sense? 
> thank you in advance.  lucas 


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