Perhaps a coincidence, but:

User 1 - Accessed my site through a Facebook link on iPhone
User 2 - Accessed my site through a Facebook link on iPad

Does FB do anything strange with links to external sites that could cause 
the request.client to be unknown? I've accessed my site through the FB link 
using my Android mobile, and no noticeable problems.

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 9:27:36 AM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
> Incidentally, no problems importing urandom.
> On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:10:53 AM UTC+1, Neil wrote:
>>>>>>> Issue #2
>>>>>>> =======
>>>>>>> There is a bug with may prevent urandom from working:
>>>>>>> http://community.webfaction.**com/questions/9333/**
>>>>>>> importerror-cannot-import-**name-urandom<>
>>>>>>> importing-wsgihandler-with-**django<>
>>>>>>> Can you check if you can import urandom on your version of python on 
>>>>>>> webfaction?


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