Are 100% sure it's not permissions (e.g. you've run chmod recursively on 
the root of your app)?

If so, I've also seen this error when mod_wsgi is misconfigured. In my 
case, I was able to visit one application (which was the default_app set in 
routers.BASE) but visiting the other resulted in the unrecoverable ticket. 
Maybe it was something to do with the applications' contexts becoming 
mixed... I'm really not sure. 

Are you running more than one application? If so, you might want to 
troubleshoot your mod_wsgi setup, try turning one app off, etc. If you're 
running a single app, then I'm not sure... maybe check the apache config, 
ensure you're setting the right user and group to the wsgi daemon process 
as it could still be a permissions issue in that way... although it's 
curious that your app suddenly started creating 'unrecoverable' tickets.

I'm sure you're restarted apache and possibly the machine to make sure it's 
not just weirdness?


On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 3:36:21 AM UTC-5, r13race wrote:
> Hello,
> I made an application using Apache+Web2py+WSGI framework.
> It was running fine and all of a sudden as i enter the URL of teh startup 
> page it directs me to index.html, it works fine.
> There i have a login button as i click it, it issues me a ticket 
> "Unrecoverable"
> Its not a problem of permissions i have checked.
> Can someone help me??


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