Wow, I certainly did something silly at some point -- in my source 
(gluon/, url_encode is set to false:

I checked out a new version, and the build times match 100%, so it HAS to 
be my silliness (Version 1.99.7 (2012-03-04 22:12:08) stable).  

Apologies for the wild goose chase -- I seem to remember debugging some 
issue I was having with URLs from another app that linked to this one... 
anyway, I clearly was careless in that I modified the source and forgot to 
change it back.

Thanks for your help. 


On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 10:23:11 AM UTC-5, AbrahamLinksys wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an appilcation that has been running for a while, and suddenly 
> today it gave an error on this line in my view:
>   [<a href="{{=URL(r=request,args=request.args,vars=dict(all=1)) }}">show 
> all attachements</a>]
> This worked fine, but then I think I upgraded from 1.99.4 to 1.99.7, and 
> it throws an error complaining that it cannot concatenate string and int 
> types (because of dict(all=1) instead of all='1')
> Of course, the error can be fixed by passing a string literal or calling 
> str() on the int, but i was curious if this intended? 
> I haven't been very careful to only use string vars, assuming that my 
> laziness would be corrected by some gluonic magic. 
> Am I supposed to have always been passing only strings as vars? Should I 
> be proactive and hunt down places in my code in other applications (which 
> are still using slightly older web2py versions) or is this something that 
> might change back to being able to use integers? 
> Just curious. Here's the relevant part of the traceback:
>   File "/usr/web2py-latest/gluon/", line 330, in URL
>     other += '?%s' % '&'.join([var[0]+'='+var[1] for var in list_vars])
> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
> If the "other+=" line were rewritten as such, would it be a bad thing for any 
> reason?
>     other += '?%s' % '&'.join([*str(*var[0]*)*+'='+str(var[1]) for var in 
> list_vars])
> Thanks,
> Abe


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