I have a movie table that has a many-to-many relationship with a person 
table expressed through a star table.

A simplified version of my model:




     Field('name', 'string', unique=True),


     Field('movie_id', db.movie),

     Field('person_id', db.person),

I am able to create a select that joins the three tables and produces a 
result with all the data I need.

It's easy to iterate through the result and produce something akin to this:

Movie Title  Star 1

Movie Title  Star 2

Movie Title  Star 3

What I want is:

Movie Title 1

Star 1, Star 2, Star 3

Movie Title 2

Star 1, Star 2, Star 3

Programmatically, I'd like something like:

for each movie in rows



      for each star in movie.stars


Before I write a function to pre-process the result, can someone tell me if 
there is a helper for producing a result of this kind? 

This thread addresses the same issue - 


- but I was unable to discern the solution the question asker had produced 
for himself, the key to which was this:

"web2py automatically add the many-to-many sets to an instance with the 

same name of the relation table"

I do not know what that means. 


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