
*>you might consider the IS_STRONG validator as well.
*. What a quick  and easy way to increase security of passwords, thanks for 
  This is what I love about web2py.
requires = IS_STRONG(min=10, special=2, upper=2)
    min is minimum length of the value
    special is the minimum number of required special characters special 
characters are any of the following !@#$%^&*(){}[]-+
    upper is the minimum number of upper case characters

*> Note, you shouldn't need :

- I* removed it and tested*, work well without it, the post wasn't clear to 
me if I need both,
  or just this one, 

*>validators on login is that they leak password constraints to an attacker.
  (Of course, the registration form can be used to extract this information 
as well, but still...)
- I think I understand, when you say "*leak*"-- 
     is it just a matter than anyone would *see* the message  on the 
screen, ie. min 8 letters?
       or is there more of a  technical security leak you are referring to.

Thanks once again...



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