Thanks David and Anthony:

1- I will reorder validtors for final example, most common ones first.

2- Good suggestion: 
    I'll try to write  a web2pyslices, I like that site a lot as it can 
    more complete solutions than these discussions often do.

2- A validator?

Would it be worth considering an actual validator for username and 
user-like fields.

IS_LIKE_GOOGLE validator enforces a username policy similar to Google 
Accounts (as of 2012),
min 6 - 30 characters, only letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9), and periods, 
can't start or end with a period,
can't have consecutive periods, and of course can't exist in database.

Note: if an optional
IS_LIKE_GOOGLE(db, 'table.fieldname') - then any user created user type 
field would be validated,

I'm going to work on "bad words" in username feature, this should complete 
my example.



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