
. Thanks for submitting a patch.

*Quick Question:

With all of the below validations.... 
*1- Do they ALL execute
2- Execution stops at the first one that fails, 

What I mean is say a user uses a username="bill"
the first validator will display the message, but does web2py continue to 
evaluate the others?

*If so..
*  Wouldn't it be wise to put the most likely validators at the beginning 
of the list?

Thanks, I'm almost finished my example for this, just working on the "no 
bad words" for username feature.



auth.settings.table_user.username.requires = [IS_LENGTH(30,6,'Please use 
between 6 and 30 characters.'),
    IS_MATCH('^[a-z0-9.]*$', error_message='Please use only letters (a-z) 
and numbers (0-9), and periods.'),
    IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='You can\'t leave this empty. '),
    IS_EXPR("value[0]<>'.'", error_message='The FIRST character of your 
username should be a letter (a-z) or number.'),
    IS_EXPR("value[-1]<>'.'", error_message='The LAST character of your 
username should be a letter (a-z) or number.'),
    IS_EXPR("str(value).find('..')==-1",error_message='A fan of 
punctuation! Alas, usernames can\'t have consecutive periods.'),
    IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, auth.settings.table_user.username, 'Someone already 
has that username. ')


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