
I am eager now more then ever to have version 2.0



On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:

> For me on Linux Ubuntu 12.10
> bcr@vaiubuntu:~/projects/web2py21$ python -S welcome -N -R
> ../
> web2py Web Framework
> Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2012
> Version 2.00.1 (2012-08-28 14:26:44) rc4
> Database drivers available: SQLite3, pymysql, psycopg2, pg8000, IMAP
> time to access field obj 8.60691070557e-07
> time to select 1000 recods 2.90545892715e-05
> time to access field values 5.29289245605e-07
> Changed cacheable to True
> time to access field obj 6.69956207275e-07
> time to select 1000 recods 2.16320896149e-05
> time to access field values 3.38554382324e-07
> Lazy Tables = True
> time to access field obj 5.79357147217e-07
> time to select 1000 recods 2.04881191254e-05
> time to access field values 3.60012054443e-07
> Using cache.ram
> t0 = time.time()
> for k in range(n):
>     rows = cache.ram("test", lambda: db(db.test).select(cacheable=True),
> 1200) # (*)
> print 'time to select 1000 recods',(time.time()-t0)/n/1000
> row = cache.ram("test", lambda: db(db.test).select(cacheable=True),
> 1200).first() # (*)
> t0 = time.time()
> for k in range(n):
>     y =
>     y =
> print 'time to access field values',(time.time()-t0)/n
> time to access field obj 8.60691070557e-07
> time to select 1000 recods 3.34150791168e-07
> time to access field values 2.59876251221e-07
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Massimo Di Pierro <
>> wrote:
>> # run with -S welcome -N -R
>> import time
>> db=DAL()
>> db.define_table('test',Field('one'))
>> db(db.test).delete()
>> for k in range(1000):
>>     db.test.insert(one='one')
>> db.commit()
>> n = 100
>> t0 = time.time()
>> for k in range(n):
>>     y =
>> print 'time to access field obj',(time.time()-t0)/n
>> t0 = time.time()
>> for k in range(n):
>>     rows = db(db.test).select(cacheable=False) # (*)
>> print 'time to select 1000 recods',(time.time()-t0)/n/1000
>> row = db(db.test).select().first()
>> t0 = time.time()
>> for k in range(n):
>>     y =
>>     y =
>> print 'time to access field values',(time.time()-t0)/n
>> """
>> Results:
>> web2py 1.99.7
>> time to access field obj     5.068 (microseconds)
>> time to select 1000 recods  38.441 (microseconds)
>> time to access field values  7.710 (microseconds)
>> total time to access one field for each of 1000 records: 7748
>> (microseconds)
>> web2py 2.0
>> time to access field obj     0.579 (microseconds)
>> time to select 1000 recods  33.820 (microseconds)
>> time to access field values  0.338 (microseconds)
>> total time to access one field for each of 1000 records: 371
>> (microseconds)
>> web2py 2.0 w cacheable = True (*)
>> time to access field obj     0.579 (microseconds)
>> time to select 1000 recods  24.741 (microseconds)
>> time to access field values  0.300 (microseconds)
>> total time to access one field for each of 1000 records: 324
>> (microseconds)
>> (benhcmarks with SQLite on Mac Air and python 2.7)
>> """
>> --
>  --


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