Hello everyone,

The report feature I've been toiling over is now finished - YEA! and ready 
to be to deployed to the /opt/www/web2py directory of the various machines. 
This is a task for puppet, which we use for config & package management as 
it handles RPMs and custom repos extremely well, so that was my plan for 
deploying this project.

My thought was to make an RPM by running setup.py bdist_rpm, but even a 
fresh copy of web2py throws errors like:

error: line 7: Unknown tag:         of secure database-driven web-based 
applications, written and
error: query of specfile build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm/SPECS/web2py.spec 
failed, can't parse
error: Failed to execute: "rpm -q --qf 
%{arch}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm\\n' --specfile 

Any suggestions? I'm green when it comes to making noarch RPMs with 
rpmbuild. This is a nonstandard use-case I suppose because it's getting 
deployed somewhat as an application on many servers. I'm open to advice.


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