Sure, I can clean up my spec file for web2py and post it as a starting 
point / reference. What I'd really like to do is bring it up closer to 
general Fedora standards in the process, perhaps aiming at an inclusion 
into Fedora/EPEL later on.

The main difference now (a major one) is that I package web2py for a 
specific single application on RHEL 6. I'd like to evolve this into a 
general package, which can be used by more than one system user, on 
different paths, with more than one web server etc.. So, a whole different 
set of issues arise. Here is my to-do / issues list:

- aim for packaging web2py to use it's internal web server by default (with 
added instructions / scripts to use apache/mod_wsgi)
- patch web2py to disable updates trough admin app (i see no difficulties 
here, I just didn't do this yet)
- clean up bundled libraries and package those that are necessary or nice 
to have
- decouple /gluon from /applications.

About the bundled libraries - Fedora doesn't allow library bundling, unless 
an exception is requested and granted, which is rare. So:
- what from the gluon/contrib doesn't exist in Fedora and is essential for 
running core web2py (if any?)
- what from the gluon/contrib doesn't exist in Fedora but would be nice to 
- what from /scripts would be nice to have?

About decoupling /gluon from /applications, is the way debian's package 
does it a good way to go on about this? Is anyone here using debian 
packages..? How about existing Issue 

I would really appreciate some feedback, especially on the library bundling 
and gluon/app decoupling. If these questions/issues can be properly 
resolved, I'd be glad to support the RPMs for the foreseeable future.


On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:39:55 PM UTC+2, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> Can you tell us more. Perhaps share an example that packages web2py
> On Tuesday, 28 August 2012 23:05:16 UTC-5, LightDot wrote:
>> I'm distributing and supporting a project made with web2py as a set of 
>> RPMs (RHEL/CentOS/SL) for a while now. No big problems... I use Mock on SL6 
>> to generate the RPMs.
>> This project is fairly complex and involves much more than just web2py 
>> app, so my spec files wouldn't be applicaple straight away. But the parts 
>> that concern web2py itself are straightforward. I just wrote the spec files 
>> from blank, according to Fedora / RHEL standards. Their rpm/spec 
>> documentation is pretty good.
>> As to your error - it seems that the string "of secure database-driven 
>> web-based applications, written and" gets misinterpreted as a tag. I assume 
>> it's a part of the textual description that should be under a %*
>> description* tag..? Can't say what causes this without looking at the 
>> spec file, though.
>> Regards,
>> Ales
>> On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 5:26:12 AM UTC+2, thinkwell wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> The report feature I've been toiling over is now finished - YEA! and 
>>> ready to be to deployed to the /opt/www/web2py directory of the various 
>>> machines. This is a task for puppet, which we use for config & package 
>>> management as it handles RPMs and custom repos extremely well, so that was 
>>> my plan for deploying this project.
>>> My thought was to make an RPM by running bdist_rpm, but even a 
>>> fresh copy of web2py throws errors like:
>>> error: line 7: Unknown tag:         of secure database-driven web-based 
>>> applications, written and
>>> error: query of specfile build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm/SPECS/web2py.spec 
>>> failed, can't parse
>>> error: Failed to execute: "rpm -q --qf 
>>> '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.src.rpm 
>>> %{arch}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}.rpm\\n' --specfile 
>>> 'build/bdist.linux-i686/rpm/SPECS/web2py.spec'"
>>> Any suggestions? I'm green when it comes to making noarch RPMs with 
>>> rpmbuild. This is a nonstandard use-case I suppose because it's getting 
>>> deployed somewhat as an application on many servers. I'm open to advice.


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