For those of you who wish to do the same thing ...and have web2py running 
under apache2 with ubuntu ( in my case it is ubuntu 12.04 LTS )

While the upgrade action is not possible or a bit buggy from 1.99.7 to 
this thread is about installing the latest web2py  in parallel ( or next to 
) your previous installation under the defined location --> /home/www-data/ 
[web2py_folder]  !

It is pretty straight forward !
1) make a duplicate of the file /etc/apache2/site-available/default      
#in my case the default was the web2py 1.99.7 and I renamed it web2py.loc
2) change the original default you just renamed to whatever it was before, 
for example, make it point to the default /var/www/ folder for other local 
sites you may have like  html/php  sites etc ...
3) in the web2py.loc file created, change the lines 
     NameVirtualHost *:80
     NameVirtualHost  *:443
      NameVirtualHost web2py.loc:80
      NameVirtualHost web2py.loc:443

by replacing the "*" with the name you want to use locally for that web2py 
version installation ! 
4) save !  then do  sudo a2ensite web2py.loc           
    # ( use the same name you have chosen in step 1 & 3  .. off course )
5) restart apache server with ( sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart )

Then ...
check to see on your browser if your same web2py install works under the 
new name chosen

install the new web2py 2.02+ in the same directory ( /home/www-data/ 
[web2py2]  )    # I chose that name .. you could choose another one ... 
whatever ! .. )
make sure all files are owned by www-data with all related permissions !
Repeat the same steps above but by using the new file copied  ( in the 
example above the file copied  is web2py.loc .. duplicate it and rename )  
so now I have web2py2.loc
go to step 3 above and change the web2py.loc with your new name  ( in this 
case web2py2.loc )
in addition to that ... all reference to the /home/www-data/ [web2py] .. 
should be changed to /home/www-data/ [the_new_name]  like  

all reference to web2py should be changed to the name of the new directory 
like in :
   <VirtualHost web2py.loc:80>
        WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=www-data group=www-data
        WSGIProcessGroup web2py
        WSGIScriptAlias / /home/www-data/web2py/  
     ( bla bla bla .. )

you would change it to 
    <VirtualHost web2py2.loc:80>
        WSGIDaemonProcess web2py2 user=www-data group=www-data
        WSGIProcessGroup web2py2
        WSGIScriptAlias / /home/www-data/web2py2/  
     ( bla bla bla .. )

then do step 4 (  with a  sudo a2ensite web2py2.loc  )

restart apache2

and because it is a new install of web2py ( the latest version .. ) 
cd into this new directory before testing it :
 --> cd /home/www-data/web2py2

BY  www-data !

and do these 2 additional steps otherwise you will not be able to login the 
admin of 2.02+:

1) sudo -u www-data python -c "from gluon.widget import console; console();"
2) sudo -u www-data python -c "from gluon.main import save_password; 
save_password(raw_input('admin password: '),443)"

and you are done ! .. 

happy coding with the new ! without breaking your old web2py install !


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