Can you make a more concrete example. Not Sure I understand what users_id 
refers to.

On Monday, 3 September 2012 22:43:10 UTC-5, Kevin C wrote:
> The title isn't very descriptive, but I hope this paragraph clears things 
> up.
> Basically we are creating a basic SaaS app.  Users will log in at 
> to an administrative panel.  Each administrative 
> panel is tied to a user ID from the auth table.  So basically here is what 
> should happen:
> User visits
> Web2py retrieves users_id field from stores table (This field assigns 
> ownership of each store to a user id)
> Web2py auth decorator should ensure that the logged in user ID is that of 
> the store owner
> I understand how to write the decorator, but what is the best way to 
> retrieve the users_id from the stores table and store it?  Sessions? 
>  Temporary variable that is set on each page load?
> Please forgive my ignorance.  I am completely new to web2py and want to 
> develop using best practices.  I appreciate any guidance you can offer.
> Thank you.


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