I am trying to reproduce the problem but I cannot. Are you running 2.0.8?

On Saturday, 8 September 2012 07:34:19 UTC-5, Joel Carrier wrote:
> I want to maintain an audit history of all my objects.
> So near the beginning of my model definition I have
> db._common_fields.append(auth.signature)
> and at the very end I have
> auth.enable_record_versioning(db)
> The problem I am having is that when I pull up all the records 
> representing the history of an object, the modified_by and modified_on 
> fields do not reflect the time and user that performed the change.  In 
> fact, they appear to be stuck on whoever was logged in when I last restart 
> the web2py server and the time at which I restarted it.  (Maybe it's the 
> first person to perform an edit and the time they do it at since last 
> restart.)
> Anyway, is there something obvious I am missing here?


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