
On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 11:18:00 UTC-5, Andrew wrote:
> For 1 & 2, if the only remote repository type being considered is Git, 
> then using hg-git is probably ideal since it'll support both hg and git 
> locally and working with remote git repo's. 
> I would like to work on this. Does anyone else have interest / spare 
> cycles to help implement this support?
> Also, any feedback as to how the interface should be designed for all 
> these actions?  Ie, do we keep all remote actions on the site page and then 
> specific local actions within the app edit screens?
> Andrew
> On Saturday, September 8, 2012 6:37:55 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I have been speaking with some friends and heavy web2py users and we 
>> agree that the following issue need to be addressed:
>> 1) Improve Mercurial and Git support. Currently Git+web2py allows "clone" 
>> and "push" whirl Hg+web2py allows "commit", "status" and "revert". I think 
>> we need an abstraction layer that allows "clone", "push", "commit", 
>> "status", "revert", and "pull" with both the version control system (with a 
>> preference for Git). I think we need an abstraction layer on top of both 
>> VCS even if for now we may support only one of them.
>> 2) Handle gthub callback so that a push to github triggers a local web2py 
>> pull (for testing)
>> 3) make it easier to run tests and manage databases (rename, backup, etc) 
>> at the click of a button.
>> 4) Bootstrap looks great but it is not consistent throughout the 
>> welcome app. The idea is that this should be edited in web2py.css instead 
>> of any python code to allow backwards compatibility. Also we should 
>> avoid changing bootstrap.css so that we can just drop-in new versions 
>> of bootstrap, and or bootswatches. So we need someone with good CSS skills. 
>> It shouldn't be too much extra work to make it look great out of the box.
>> 5) Port admin on top of bootstrap (while preserving the artwork).
>> If you want to work on any of these topics, there may be funding 
>> available. I think 1) should be a priority for web2py 2.1 or 2.2.
>> P.S. Friends have suggested looking to the following links:
>> Here are some issues and examples of what is possible from
>> wrapbootstrap.com templates:
>> 1. Web2py forms: they are using no styling webkit (see
>> registration/login/password reset). (Example:
>> http://wbpreview.com/previews/WB00U99JJ/login.html
>> 2. Navbar has "login/logout/password" which seems to be styled
>> differently that the other menu items. (Nice dropdown example:
>> http://wbpreview.com/previews/WB0087188/account.html)
>> 3. Form Validation: would be nice to use bootstrap form validation
>> perhaps with popovers overriding of the the redflash for incomplete
>> forms.  (Example:
>> http://wbpreview.com/previews/WB0F35928/form-validation.html )
>> 4. Notifications: Use Bootstrap notifications for flash, overriding
>> the web2py growl notifications. (Lot's of options here:
>> http://wbpreview.com/previews/WB0881879/noty.html)


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