Hi rochacbruno, thank you for the kind words.

Yes select2 should be an improvement over chosen, I found about it here: 
https://github.com/h5bp/lazyweb-requests/issues/92 (they are planning to 
upgrade standard select). A widget would be great.

The url trick is very welcome I will get it in the release today, thank you.

The fields feature is ready and today I will work on action history (to 
keep a log of actions in the admin) and filters.


vineri, 14 septembrie 2012, 00:45:57 UTC+3, rochacbruno a scris:
> Nice work!
> the select2.js is the same as choosen? I really like it! should have a 
> web2py widget for this.
> it is very annoying to request "host/app/plugin_web2admin" the url does 
> not looks good. To change this, the hard option is tricking on routes. But 
> there is an easy way:
> NOTE: it is a tricky, maybe it can change in the future, for now it works 
> nice.
> if request.controller == 'web2admin':
>>     request.controller = 'plugin_web2admin'
>>     response.view = response.view.replace('web2admin', 'plugin_web2admin')
> now you can calll "localhost:8000/app/web2admin/" 
> I will start to use this, great work!
> ** is there a license?


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