On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 07:10:42 UTC-5, Johann Spies wrote:
> On 18 September 2012 12:50, Mandar Vaze < 
> <javascript:>>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using "selectable=True" in the sqlform.grid. This shows a checkbox in 
>> first column for all the rows "except the header"
>> 2. I also get "Submit Query" button below the table. I've managed to 
>> rename this to "Delete Selected" - Is there a way to show a confirmation 
>> dialog like "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected entries" (or 
>> some such) - before the records are deleted ?
> I use this:
>         bevestig = T('Are you sure you want to delete the selected 
> articles?')
>         try:
>             form.element('.web2py_table input[type=submit]')['_value'] = 
> T('Delete selected articles')
>             form.element('.web2py_table input[type=submit]')['_onclick'] = 
> "return confirm ('%s')" % bevestig
>         except:
>             pass
> Regards
> Johann
> -- 
> Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, 
> my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)


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