Please let us know if this is something we can improve or document better. 
Codemirror was recently integrated and it is possible we have broken some 

On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 10:22:31 UTC-5, Adi wrote:
> Yes, I meant the admin editor. Command-F is a browser search, but 
> Control-F was a working feature of the editor. Something strange is going 
> on my side with code search, but otherwise I like working in the admin 
> editor... Will check codemirror instructions. Thanks Massimo...
> On Tuesday, September 18, 2012 10:13:01 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Do you mean the admin editor? We replaced it with codemirror so some 
>> commands may have changed. Yet search is a browser feature, not a feature 
>> of the editor so it should not have changed.
>> On Tuesday, 18 September 2012 08:44:24 UTC-5, Adi wrote:
>>> tried "search" via control/f in welcome app 2.0.9 stable (firefox and 
>>> chrome) on mac, and it's not responding. 
>>> did editor commands change?
>>> thanks,
>>> Adi


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