On my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machine here's what i did so far.
1. from https://github.com/web2py/web2py/ i downloaded the ZIP for commit 
722b16e620 authored 12 hours ago.
2. unzipped it to my home directory. The directory structure for 
~/web2py-web2py-722b16e is
3. From the command line:
    $ cd web2py-web2py-722b16e
    $ python web2py.py
4.in Firefox 15.0.1 Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0 added a new 
simple app named menutest
5.changed the models/menu.py to be:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

response.title = ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in request.application.

response.subtitle = T('Stock Forms for Web2py')

## read more at http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/meta.name.html

response.meta.author = 'you <y...@gmail.com>'

response.meta.description = 'Stock Forms for Web2py'
response.meta.keywords = 'web2py, python, framework'
response.meta.generator = 'Web2py Web Framework'

## your http://google.com/analytics id
response.google_analytics_id = None

response.menu = [

    (T('Home'), False, URL('default','index'), []),
    (T('ContactUs'), False, URL('default','index'), [
        (T('CU-00'), False, URL('default','update_t_contactus00'), []),

    (T('Appointment'), False, URL('default','index'), [
        (T('APP-00'), False, URL('default','update_t_appointment00'), []),

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

response.title = ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in request.application.

response.subtitle = T('Stock Forms for Web2py')

## read more at http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/meta.name.html

response.meta.author = 'you <y...@gmail.com>'

response.meta.description = 'Stock Forms for Web2py'
response.meta.keywords = 'web2py, python, framework'
response.meta.generator = 'Web2py Web Framework'

## your http://google.com/analytics id
response.google_analytics_id = None

response.menu = [

    (T('Home'), False, URL('default','index'), []),
    (T('ContactUs'), False, URL('default','index'), [
        (T('CU-00'), False, URL('default','update_t_contactus00'), []),

    (T('Appointment'), False, URL('default','index'), [
        (T('APP-00'), False, URL('default','update_t_appointment00'), []),


6. Checked the menu and it was NOT WORKING like it did on my windows 
machine. NOT EVEN the top level menus showed up in the black bar. HOWEVER, 
a Horizontally Striped Box appeared to the right of the Login menu. When i 
clicked on that Horizontally Striped Box, the entire menu appeared 
vertically, in a vertically expanded black bar that was about 2 inches from 
top to bottom.

I'll take a break now and pick up later with the Ubuntu adventure. :)

Thanks again, Massimo.

Love and peace,



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