
maybe I understand which is the problem and I have a solution.
Please put the attached layout.html in testxjoe/views in place of the old 
one and check if it works.
[note:this message has been canceled 3 times from group (security police?). 
Please rename the extension file to html] 
In this latter case, I will submit a patch to issue tracker.

Issue summary:
Start an application when browser window size is < 948px
Resize the browser (i.e. full screen)
Hover over a topbar menu item but the menu is not showed.

Issue cause:
In layout.html hover function is not refreshed when the browser window is 
resized: it sees always the window size as < 948px

Issue solution:
In layout.html wrap hover menu function in jQuery resize()

Il giorno giovedì 27 settembre 2012 03:17:06 UTC+2, JoeCodeswell ha scritto:
> Dear Paolo, Firefox 15.0.1
> Thanks for the help. I have 4 results to report running the *textxjoe*app in 
> my environment.
> 1.  Processor: Pentium dual core E5700
>     Memory: 3.46 GB
>     OS: winXP sp3 
>     Browser: Opera 12.02 
>     URL:
> Result: On the Home page, NONE of the sub-menus show up when either of 
> the Top Level Menus
>     [ContactUs, Appointment] are either [hoveredOver, clicked] 
> See: testxjoe-opera-homepage.jpg [The cursor is not captured on the 
> windows screenshot.]
> 2.  Processor: Pentium dual core E5700
>     Memory: 3.46 GB
>     OS: winXP sp3 
>     Browser: Firefox 15.0.1 
>     URL:
> Result: On the Home page, the sub-menus briefly show up [i.e. flash] whenthe 
> either of the 
> Top Level Menus [ContactUs, Appointment] are clicked. 
>     The sub-menu appearance coincides with the favicon in the current 
> FireFox Tab being briefly replaced by a rotating arrow and the word 
> "Connecting".
>     When the either of the Top Level Menus are hoveredOver, they light up,but 
> no sub-menus appear. 
> See: textxjoe-firefox.jpg [The cursor is not captured on the windows 
> screenshot.]
> 3.  Processor: Pentium dual core E5700
>     Memory: 3.46 GB
>     OS: winXP sp3 
>     Browser: Opera 12.02  
>     URL:[typed 
> into the browser from home page]
> Results: 
>     3.1 no sub-menus appear when hoveredOver.
>     3.2 clicking on either Top Level Menu 
>         a. returns to the home page
>         b. after clicking browser back arrow, 
>             b.1 previous url is navigated to
>             b.2 showing the sub-menu of the particlar Top level menu 
> previously clicked on to navigate to the home page!!!
> 4.  Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP [i know this is slower than the 
> Pentiummachine
> ]
>     Memory: 1.5 GB
>     OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 
>     Browser: Firefox 15.0.1 Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0  [
>     URL:
> Results:
>     1. If one moves slowly from one Top Level Menu Item to the other, the 
> sub-menus reliably appear.
>     2. If one moves quickly, the sub-menus sometimes "refuse to show up".A 
> click on 
> Home can reset things.
>     3. Sometimes, from various starting URLs, if you hover over ContactUs 
> and then **without leaving the menu bar** move to hover over Appointment,
>             the Appointment sub-menu does not show up.
> See: textxjoe-ubuntu-firefox-.jpg [Note the cursor hovering over the lit 
> up Appointment TL Menu with no sub-menu]     
> Thanks for the help, Paolo.
> Love and peace,
> Joe 
> On Tuesday, September 25, 2012 3:37:25 PM UTC-7, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>> Joe,
>>   I followed your steps and all worked for me (see attached image). I 
>> packed the app, please install it on your enviroment and tell me the 
>> results.


Attachment: layout._html
Description: Binary data

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