> I am developing an iPhone-optimized website and testing it on Safari 3.1.2
>> on Windows. For some elements in the website I am applying implicit
>> animation using -webkit-transition style.
>> So basically, I have elements like this:
>> <div style="-webkit-transition: left 2s linear;">...</div>
>> that sometimes are present in the document from the very beginning and
>> sometimes are loaded from another document and injected in DOM.
>> In the first case animation happens as expected, however when divs are
>> injected using JavaScript, -webkit-transition seems to be ignored (there's
>> no animation).
> Transitions are not run when elements are first added to the DOM; they only
> run when style properties change from one value to another value.

Yes, I forgot to mention that property is changed from JavaScript code
immediately after injection. I'm executing the code below immediately after
injecting element referred by toPage:

    console.log('Before: ' + fromPage.id + ' -> ' + toPage.id + ' (' +
backwards + ')');
    console.log('F.left: ' + fromPage.style.left);
    console.log('T.left: ' + toPage.style.left);
    console.log('F.transition: ' + fromPage.style.webkitTransition);
    console.log('T.transition: ' + toPage.style.webkitTransition);

    if (!fromPage.style.left) {
        fromPage.style.webkitTransition = '';
        fromPage.style.left = "0%";
        fromPage.style.webkitTransition = 'left 2s linear';

    if (!toPage.style.left) {
        toPage.style.webkitTransition = '';
        toPage.style.left = backwards ? "-100%" : "100%";
        toPage.style.webkitTransition = 'left 2s linear';

    toPage.setAttribute("selected", "true");
    scrollTo(0, 1);

    fromPage.style.left = backwards ? "100%" : "-100%";
    toPage.style.left = "0%";

    console.log('After: ' + fromPage.id + ' -> ' + toPage.id + ' (' +
backwards + ')');
    console.log('F.left: ' + fromPage.style.left);
    console.log('T.left: ' + toPage.style.left);
    console.log('F.transition: ' + fromPage.style.webkitTransition);
    console.log('T.transition: ' + toPage.style.webkitTransition);

And this results in having this in the console:

Before: login -> home (undefined)
After: login -> home (undefined)
F.left: -100%
T.left: 0%

I.e. style.webkitTransition is never defined. Any clues why?

>  Moreover, in the Safari's inspector I could see this:
>> -webkit-transition: condensed 2s linear;
>> What does this "condensed" mean and how could I force usage of the style
>> after injection?
> This is a bug, and I believe has been since fixed. I recommend you test
> with a nightly build, or at least the Safari 4 beta.

Thanks for the clue. The tricky thing is that this does not work on iPhone
either and updating Mobile Safari is not that easy.

I looked to the inspector for the case without injection being made, and it
turns out that it also has "condensed" there (and animation is performed
fine in this case).

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