02.06.2009, в 21:10, Drew Wilson написал(а):

If worker global scope is actually a SharedWorkerGlobalScope object (i.e. the worker is a shared worker), and there are any relevant application caches that are identified by a manifest URL with the same origin as url and that have url as one of their entries, not excluding entries marked as foreign, then associate the worker global scope with themost appropriate application cache of those that match.

I'm not at all certain what "most appropriate application cache" means, but I *think* it means "most up-to-date cache", not "cache associated with the constructing document". I think that's the point that this discussion hinges upon. Michael, do you know what that phrase means?

There's a vague definition of "most appropriate" in the spec:
Multiple application caches in different application cache groups can contain the same resource, e.g. if the manifests all reference that resource. If the user agent is to select an application cache from a list of relevant application caches that contain a resource, that the user agent must use the application cache that the user most likely wants to see the resource from, taking into account the following:

        • which application cache was most recently updated,
• which application cache was being used to display the resource from which the user decided to look at the new resource, and
        • which application cache the user prefers.

In current implementation, "most appropriate" is just "random", but the second test is what I think applies to SharedWorkers most closely.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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