Hi Jeremy,

On Aug 8, 2009, at 7:02 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

I'm not personally involved in the WebGL or O3D efforts, but I can speak to some of this.

I agree that O3D and WebGL are more similar to each other than the CSS 3D transforms. Both are fairly low level, though they take fairly different approaches to rendering. O3D is a retained mode API (somewhat like SVG) whereas WebGL is an immediate mode API (much like Canvas). In other words, for O3D, you use JavaScript to build up a scene and transform it between frames. In WebGL you use JavaScript to explicitly render each frame. The latter gives you more control but is more limited by the speed of JavaScript and the WebGL bindings. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that all three technologies are actually complementary to each other.

Thanks, that's a much better explanation of the relationship between WebGL and O3D. I hope we get some version of retained-mode 3D on the standards track at some point.


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