Reading this, I am reminded of a great commentary by Alex Russell,
written nearly 3 years ago:

Despite of what I may think about SharedScript, I am certain that
waiting -- whether for standards community or Web developers to
embrace or reject our ideas -- is not the right answer. If we really
want to move the Web platform forward, we can't afford a feedback
cycle this long. Especially, when we have an opportunity for close
collaboration with Web developers of some of the most JS-intensive Web

Experimenting is great. We should experiment.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss technical merits of the
proposed solution, including more efficient ways of accomplishing the
same thing.


On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Dmitry Titov <> wrote:
> What I meant was it would be nice, for the sake of discussion, to share the
> experience of real life applications that used SharedWorkers or inter-window
> communications for sharing of significant portions of code and data. Google
> apps may be a partial example but it is a real life example of concrete
> issues with proposed solution that sounds pretty generic and useful for
> other web apps. It is only prudent to take their feedback rather then
> replace it with our own theories about future of the web. No doubt this is a
> new mechanism and it's good to question it, since it has costs even as
> experimental API. Gut feelings vary, some app devs say they need it to solve
> real issues, we dont hear from other app devs who were facing similar issues
> and solved it differently. Seems there is no strong argument to kill it nor
> bless it. Why don't make it experimental and see? If it was possible to
> implement it in extension or plugin, we would run it as another Gears-like
> experiment, but it can not be done in a plugin... I believe there could be
> good arguments that simply didn't surface yet, and hope to hear them.
> Dmitry.
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Peter Kasting <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 9:41 PM, Dmitry Titov <> wrote:
>>> BTW, could you tell what's the 'course' that would be reverted?
>> Meaning, "before we decide that SharedWorkers and inter-window
>> communication are insufficient, and a further proposal should be entertained
>> by the standards community".
>> PK
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