On Apr 8, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Xan Lopez wrote:

> - In the wiki you mention that one goal of the new framework is to provide a 
> stable C-based API. Is this meant as a public API for WebKit, the same in all 
> platforms (like JSC), or a stable internal API for embedders to use in order 
> to implement their native APIs on top? From some lines in the wiki (like 
> WKView wrapping native objects) it seems like you want to do the former, but 
> that seems like quite a massive effort and the loss of an important selling 
> port of the various WebKit ports.

As I understand it, the goal is to have a C API that is suitable and works well 
cross platform for all the many platform independent operations; it is indeed 
analogous the one for JavaScriptCore in that respect.

When you refer to a “selling point” of WebKit ports, I assume you are referring 
to how those ports integrate with the surrounding OS and frameworks. For 
example, the Mac OS X port provides an Objective-C API that fits in well with 
the rest of Cocoa. The goal would be that such API can be cleanly built on top 
of the C-based API and should offer a simple way to “drop down” to the platform 
independent C one and vice versa.

    -- Darin

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