On Apr 8, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Xan Lopez wrote:

I suppose I could wait until you land the patches and see by myself, but:

- In the wiki you mention that one goal of the new framework is to
provide a stable C-based API. Is this meant as a public API for
WebKit, the same in all platforms (like JSC), or a stable internal API
for embedders to use in order to implement their native APIs on top?
From some lines in the wiki (like WKView wrapping native objects) it
seems like you want to do the former, but that seems like quite a
massive effort and the loss of an important selling port of the
various WebKit ports.

It will be available as a public API, but as Darin explained, it's up to individual ports whether to wrap this API, expose it directly, or do some combination. For the Mac OS X API, we will be doing a combination.

- Does your new framework require any significant changes in WebCore?
Could you briefly summarize them?

No WebCore changes are required - it works with the existing WebCore.

- Do you see valid usecases in the long term for the "traditional"
ports or are your plans to quickly transition all code to the new
system as soon as it's ready?

I think that would be up to the individual ports. We expect that on Mac OS X, we will have to support the "classic" WebKit API for a long time, perhaps indefinitely, in parallel with the new WebKit2-based API.


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