On Jul 13, 2010, at 8:14 AM, Lianghui Chen wrote:

> Hi, I have asked this same question in (wha...@lists.whatwg.org), but haven't 
> got many responses, so I want to ask here again.
> In spec HTML5 for offline web application 
> (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#offline) chapter 6.6.6, 
> item 3, 4, 5 state that for resources that is in online whitelist (or has 
> wildcard whitelist), or fallback list, it should be fetched “normally”.
> I would like to know does it mean the user agent (browser) should bypass its 
> own caches (besides html5 appcache), like the WebKit cache and browser http 
> stack cache?

As the spec is currently written, I think the browser should not bypass its own 
caches. Other caches should have their normal behavior, and will revalidate 
once the freshness lifetime of the resource expires.

> If we don't, like WebKit (and Opera) doing now, once browser starts with 
> network connection, it won't detect network connection loss, which happened 
> not that common for a PC but common for a mobile device. And it will 
> effectively defeat the intention of "fallback" resources in a offline web 
> application, as the content for a "fallback namespace" from cache will be 
> used, instead of the content of its mapping "fallback entry".

Clients have other ways to detect loss of connection:
(a) platform-specific APIs that track the state of network interfaces.
(b) Revalidating cached items once their freshness lifetime expires.

That being said, if you think there is a problem with the spec, you should 
report it to the W3C Web Apps WG or the WHATWG.

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